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Georgia O’Keeffe: See What I See

March 28 – May 10, 2015

“I said to myself, I’ll paint what I see, what the flower is to me but I’ll paint it big and they will be surprised into taking time to look at it.”
–Georgia O’Keeffe “About Myself,” 1939


Crystal Bridges unveils a newly acquired painting by Georgia O’Keeffe in this special focus exhibition. Jimson Weed/ White Flower No. 1 (1932, oil on canvas) is one of the iconic flower images for which O’Keeffe became famous. Rendered in large scale (48 x 40 inches), Jimson Weed evidences the close-up detail and dramatic, photographic framing that became one of her signature styles. The painting will be joined by two of the artist’s other paintings from the Museum’s collection, Small Purple Hills (1934, oil on board), and Feather and Brown Leaf (1935, oil on canvas), as well as a rare sculpture by O’Keeffe, Abstraction (modeled in 1946, cast circa 1979-80; white-lacquered bronze). Together these works will provide Museum guests not only with a first look at this remarkable acquisition, but also a glimpse into the scope of the artist’s career.