For Educators

Crystal Bridges programs events, workshops, tours, and more for educators throughout the year. Stay tuned to this page for recommendations of opportunities to engage with Crystal Bridges!
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School Tours/Programs
Professional Development
Custom Teacher Professional Development
How many Professional Development sessions have you attended that didn’t meet your needs? Never again!
You can request a customized Professional Development program from the educators in the Crystal Bridges School Programs team guaranteed to meet your needs. As certified professional development providers, our team can design a session of any length about any subject at any grade level. All custom PD sessions will meet state standards and will enable you to easily integrate what you have learned into your classroom instruction.
Professional Development Events
Keep an eye on this space for even more educator programs for the year. Or, sign up for eNews to receive updates straight to your inbox.
Classroom Connections
Crystal Bridges’ Learning and Engagement Department has developed Classroom Connections resources that connect specific works of art with school curricula and offer suggestions for lessons in the classroom.
Enrichment Activities
View the entire Bridging the Gap video series on YouTube. These brief, interactive videos connect works of art from the Crystal Bridges collection to a variety of subjects. They’re intended for use in online classrooms to enhance the teaching and learning in which you are currently engaged.
There Is No Art Without Agriculture: A Look Into Crystal Bridges’ Partnership with Communiversity

Activity: Make a Springtime Artwork with Pressed Flowers

William Reese Company Teacher Fellowship
The William Reese Company Teacher Fellowship seeks to enrich high school curriculum by encouraging research into the development of interdisciplinary connections between American art and core curriculum subjects of language arts, history, social studies, and the sciences. Administered by the Crystal Bridges Library, the Fellowship is designed to encourage creative research projects that draw on the assets of the Library to create arts-integrated curriculum that will enhance traditional teaching methods and student engagement.
Looking for program opportunities for families or adults?