Get to know a little more about this month’s Volunteer Spotlight: Nadene Kranz!
Where are you from?
Northeast Montana and more recently Boise, Idaho.
How did you end up in Northwest Arkansas?
My son, Michael, and family live in Rogers and I came here to enjoy them. It was partly because Crystal Bridges is here that I thought I’d really like it.
What have you most enjoyed about being a volunteer at Crystal Bridges and/or the Momentary?
I enjoy helping visitors to “open the door” to understanding whose art and what art they have just viewed downstairs. I have also gained a deeper understood of the monumental changes art has precipitated or reacted to, in as far as our society changes and history go.
What’s your favorite artwork or space at Crystal Bridges and/or the Momentary?
Mark Rothko, as he challenges conceived notions about modern art. I’ve heard people say “they could paint
that,” but they do not know what exploration he was on as part of his journey in creativity.
What do you do to relax?
Paint pictures.
What would an ideal day in Northwest Arkansas look like for you?
Visit the Momentary, lunch at Blu Restaurant, visit Crystal Bridges, then do happy hour at Eleven in Crystal
Bridges with girlfriends.
What’s your secret super skill?
Persuading people to join into a worthy cause and seeing their unique talent.
If you had three wishes, what would they be?
Health, purpose, and very fabulous fun times with girlfriends.