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Posts for Art & Collection

The European Connection: Part 3

The European Connection: Part 3

Art & Collection Exhibitions

This is the third in a series of posts related to The European Connection, an exhibition of American modern artists from Crystal Bridges’ collection that will be on view concurrently with…

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The European Connection: Part 2

The European Connection: Part 2

Art & Collection Exhibitions

This is the second in a series of posts related to The European Connection, an exhibition of American modern artists from Crystal Bridges’ collection that will be on view concurrently…

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The European Connection: Part 1

The European Connection: Part 1

Art & Collection Exhibitions

On March 15, 2014 Crystal Bridges will open an exciting new exhibition titled The William S. Paley Collection: A Taste for Modernism. William S. Paley (1901-1990), the founder and chairman…

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Keeping the Art Comfortable: Climate Control at Crystal Bridges

Keeping the Art Comfortable: Climate Control at Crystal Bridges

Art & Collection Nature & Outdoor
This is the brains of the HVAC system. All of the data that is collected by sensors is sent here, compiled by a processor within the unit, and is then…
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How It All Began: Alice Walton’s Watercolors

How It All Began: Alice Walton’s Watercolors

Art & Collection Exhibitions

While exploring Crystal Bridges, guests encounter a wide variety of artworks ranging in scale, style, and media, the creation thereof spanning roughly five centuries. From James Wooldridges’s seventeenth-century depiction…

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Moving Art: A Balancing Act

Moving Art: A Balancing Act

Art & Collection

The Artists’ Eye: Georgia O’Keeffe and the Alfred Stieglitz Collection recently closed on February 3, and we are now quickly preparing our Temporary Exhibition Gallery for the arrival of The…

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Travels with State of the Art: Cobi Moules in the Great American Landscape

Travels with State of the Art: Cobi Moules in the Great American Landscape

Art & Collection Exhibitions

Nature has had many different symbolic meanings over time.  From the embodiment of threatening, unfettered savagery to the pure manifestation of the glory of God, landscape has played many roles…

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What is Blackwell’s Island?

What is Blackwell’s Island?

Art & Collection

What is Blackwell’s Island? An oil painting by Edward Hopper? Yes, but where and what is the actual Blackwell’s Island? Why did Hopper choose to paint it? These are questions…

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Crystal Bridges Acquires Frank Lloyd Wright House

Crystal Bridges Acquires Frank Lloyd Wright House

Architecture Art & Collection Nature & Outdoor

Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art has acquired a rare Frank Lloyd Wright Usonian house, known as the Bachman-Wilson House, located in the Borough of Millstone in Somerset County, N.J.…

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Duane Hanson’s “Man on a Bench” Perplexes the Masses

Duane Hanson’s “Man on a Bench” Perplexes the Masses

Art & Collection
While seated in a gallery reflection area during her break, Museum Security Patrol Officer Janet overheard a somewhat panicked voice. “Sir,” the voice inquired. “Sir, are you okay?” Janet turned…
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Robert Henri’s Clean Slate

Robert Henri’s Clean Slate

Art & Collection
Robert Henri, born Robert Henry Cozad, had a fairly ordinary childhood. His father, John Jackson Cozad, was a professional gambler turned real estate promoter; his mother, Theresa Gatewood Cozad, was…
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"Time" and the New Year

"Time" and the New Year

Art & Collection
Perhaps it’s a cliché to illustrate the dawning of a new year with a painting titled “Time.” But Max Ferguson’s gorgeously detailed work is so evocative, I just couldn’t resist.…
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“I Don’t Get It”— Getting comfortable with some of Crystal Bridges’ challenging artworks: Lynda Benglis's "Eat Meat"

“I Don’t Get It”— Getting comfortable with some of Crystal Bridges’ challenging artworks: Lynda Benglis's "Eat Meat"

Art & Collection

Of all the works in Crystal Bridges collection that cause guests to scratch their heads in bewilderment, Lynda Benglis’s Eat Meat has to be at the top of the list. …

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The Lady Gets a Makeover

The Lady Gets a Makeover

Art & Collection Nature & Outdoor
To me, one of the most fascinating careers in the art world is conservation: a profession devoted to the preservation of our tangible cultural heritage. Conservators have the very important…
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Restoring an Original

Restoring an Original

Art & Collection Nature & Outdoor
Thomas Eakins’s Professor Benjamin Howard Rand is a centerpiece of Crystal Bridges' Late Nineteenth Century Art Gallery.  Its large, beautiful, and ornate frame is often noticed and remarked upon by…
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Art & Collection
The frames on many of the works of art in Crystal Bridges' collection are of as much interest to visitors as the artworks themselves. Gallery Guides are frequently asked where…
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Discoveries in the Stieglitz Collection: Part II

Discoveries in the Stieglitz Collection: Part II

Art & Collection Exhibitions
Time-traveling sculpture Further research on one of the sculptures in the Alfred Stieglitz Collection revealed that the work’s recorded date of 1930 was incorrect: it turned out the artwork was…
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Preparing for "The Artists’ Eye" - 10 Interesting Things I have Learned

Preparing for "The Artists’ Eye" - 10 Interesting Things I have Learned

Art & Collection Exhibitions

Just last weekend, on November 9th, the exhibition The Artists’ Eye: Georgia O’Keeffe and the Alfred Stieglitz Collection opened to the public. This marvelous exhibition features the Alfred Stieglitz Collection,…

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A Conversation with Celeste Roberge

A Conversation with Celeste Roberge

Art & Collection Nature & Outdoor
Celeste Roberge's steel and stone sculpture Chaise Gabion is sited on the Museum's East Terrace, up the steps from Walker Landing. From her early stone-filled gabion figures, to a body…
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Discoveries in the Stieglitz Collection: Part I

Discoveries in the Stieglitz Collection: Part I

Art & Collection Exhibitions

It is always a great moment when artworks for a major exhibition arrive at Crystal Bridges: unpacking the crates and viewing the artworks is a similar experience to unpacking Christmas…

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