Creating Connections

Welcome to Creating Connections!
Creating Connections is a series of virtual learning activities created to encourage connections with seniors and multigenerational groups. Each module includes an art-looking activity and project video inspired by an artwork in the Crystal Bridges collection.
If you’re interested in learning how to use these activities with your senior group, or to find out about more offerings for seniors at Crystal Bridges, email us at

Poetry, Art, and Storytelling
Poesía, arte y narración
Use this easy-to-follow activity video to create a poetry collage inspired by Delita Martin’s Sisters with theater-maker Simone Cottrell.
Utilice este video de actividades fáciles de seguir para crear un collage poético inspirado en la obra de Delita Martin Hermanas con la productora teatral Simone Cottrell.

Body Movement and Emotion
Movimiento corporal y emoción
In this activity, we will practice using our bodies to express emotions, draw lines to express emotions, and look at a work of art as inspiration for creative movement.
En esta actividad, practicaremos cómo usar nuestro cuerpo para expresar emociones, trazaremos líneas para espresso emociones y nos inspiraremos en una obra de arte para realizar movimientos.
Creating Connections is sponsored by Vitality Arts, Loreen Arbus, and Arkansas Blue Cross & Blue Shield.